Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I think I should be getting a Canon camera. For once, my mum did not nag at me for wanting to buy things. YEAH!


Went to Escape last Saturday for the Halloween party. Pretty good experience. Hehe. Met a little boy outside Escape and was quite pissed off with his boyish attitude. Oops. =P

He kept wanting to watch the show that the Escape crews staged up for little kids while we wanted to go to the haunted house. He approached us at about 9pm saying that he wanted to take his things out of the locker which he put his stuffs with us. It was already our turn to play the flippers. Kind of pissed off cos he didn't pay for the locker and once he opened, we must take out all our things unless we pay for another locker.

After he left, we really did enjoy ourselves very much. Lol. So nasty of me.

Our first stop that day is to the Indian and Tarot card fortune reading. Not too bad. The Indian fortune reading said something about all my sorrows will soon be gone and I can do very well in my business in the future. Haha. Something good since I always wanted to set up my own business when I have the ability to. Hehe.

I asked about my future at the tarot card tent. The lady told me that I will have a tough period before I can set off as a qualified accountant. Somehow I mustn't give up in when I meet all the obstacles. Something good as well. Heh.

Next, we went to the Haunted house. Not so interesting this time. There was no guide, only heard screaming from 3 irritating girls who turned back to join us and kept pushing us and screaming. I flared up and told them in a very irritating tone that they can go first if they want and stop pushing. Somehow it works. Haha. They stopped pushing and we make it out of the Haunted house before we become deaf. Haha.

I think we went to Wild 'n' Wet next. Hehe. Really fun. I didn't realise that there are 2 dressed up ghosts hiding outside 1 of the cave until Shi Yun told me but we can't see them anymore as they are too far away. Lol. Really enjoyed the ride. We screamed for the sake of screaming. Haha. Love the highest slide. Love the thrill from the fall. Hehe.

After which we played the mini roller coaster (forget the name), superman ride (also forgot the name) , flippers and adult Go Kart. It was fun. I want to go back again. =P


Regarding tuition teaching, I am feeling really stressed up with my Primary 4 girl. She refuses to use her head to think and before I even teach, she said that it is hard. Everything that I taught her before, she conveniently forget them. Now I don't even know if she can pass her streaming exams. She is the only student that I have that can really make me mad.

All my students are able to do their exams without much problems. She is the only one who I think will fail. >:(

3 years old and 9-month-old baby

Kindly tag at my tagboard to inform that you wanted to add your name to this petition. It will help to save a lot of names.

subject: 3 year old girl & 9-month-old baby.

Last week a 3 year old girl in
South Africa was beaten and raped. She
is still alive. The man responsible was released on bail yesterday.
He is
walking the streets. If you are too busy to read this then just sign
your name and forward this on.

The Government is planning to close the child protection unit and this is a petition against it
. This is a very important petition. It is an essential part of the justice system for children. You may have already heard that there's a myth in South Africa that having sex with a virgin will cure AIDS. The younger the virgin, the more potent the cure. This has led to an epidemic of rapes by infected males, with the correspondent infection of innocent kids. Many have died in these cruel rapes.

Recently in
Cape Town , a 9-month-old baby was raped by 6 men.

Please think about that for a moment. The child abuse situation is now reaching catastrophic proportions and if we don't do something, then who will?

Kindly add your name to the bottom of the list and please pass
this on to as many people as you know.

If you are signature no.:
1000 - please forward the mail-list to

Please don't be complacent, do something about the kids of
South Africa ......

You can make a difference. That child is fighting for life. This
is just 1 of the million cases of child abuse, so please pledge your
support and help keep CPU (CHILD PROTECTION UNIT) open. Please give your
support to the petition and ensure that it goes to as many people as

Please don't just leave it, make a difference
. In order to write

your name copy this message and paste it in a new mail (compose). Or click on forward and add your name to the list and send it on to others.

Again, if you are
number 1000 please send this to: childprotectpca@saps.org.za

01 - Jackson Kennedy ( Australia )
02 - Eugenie Knight Draper ( Australia )
03 - George Spiteri ( Australia )
04 - Susie Dureau ( Australia )
05 - Tim McCarthy ( Australia )
06 - Megan Gleeson ( Australia )
07 - Susie Gleeson Byrne ( China )
08 - Fiona Darrigan( China )
09 - Elizabeth Hyland ( Dubai UAE)
10 - Margaret Winstanley ( Australia )
11 - Kate Williams ( Hong Kong )
12 - Shari Boyanton( England )
13 - ayelet shariv ( Israel )
14 - Inbar Goren ( Israel )
15 - Dafna Gal ( Israel )
16 - Ruth Moushinsky( Israel )
17 - Aviv Moneta ( Israel )
18 - Becky leinwand ( Israel )
19 - Frances Derhy ( Israel )
20 - Merav Hernando ( Israel )
21 - talia Schneider ( Israel )
22 - Sharon Aviv ( Israel )
23 - Liora Engler ( Australia )
24 - Abigail Fry ( England )
25 - Robyn Elmslie ( Australia )
26 - Stephanie Fuller ( Hong Kong )
27 - Tanya Burrows( Australia )
28 - Martha E Morrison ( Australia )
29 - Gordon Pears (NSW Australia )
30 - Patricia Pears (NSW Australia
31 - Bette Bishop(NSW Australia )
32 - Vaeda van Lieshout ( Victoria , Australia )
33 - Zac Oldfield ( Vic , Australia )
34 - Julie Woodberry ( Vic , Australia )
35 - Patrick Rigby ( Vic , Australia )
36 - Joshua Rigby ( Vic , Australia )
37 - lesa woodberry( vic.aus)
38 - Tania Pantalleresco ( Vic , Australia )
39 - Abbi Fendyk ( Australia )
40 - Angela Lancerotto ( Australia )
41 - Nicole Grech ( Australia )
42 - Rochelle Many ( Australia )
43 - Melissa de Leo ( Australia )
44 - Shereen Santiago ( Australia )
45 - Lisa Vella ( Australia )
46 - Simon Smithson
47 - Renay D'Amico ( Australia )
48 - John Green ( London , UK
49 - Sandra Powell ( London UK )
50 - Charlene Jones ( Perth , Australia )
51 - Helen Stathakis ( Perth , Australia )
52 - Anna Rogers ( Perth , Australia )
53 - Helen Barwick ( Perth , Australia )
54 - kerry summerton [ Adelaide Australia ]
55 - Kadina Gregory ( South Australia )
56 - Fillmore Family ( South Australia )
57 - E Stiesch ( South Australia )
58 - K Craig ( Australia )
59 - E Cleveland ( Victoria , Australia )
60 - S Flanagan ( Australia )
61- M.Gliddon( Australia )
62 - J Gliddon ( Australia )
63 - R Maher (Australia )
64 - L Morrison ( Australia )
65 - P Woods ( Australia )
66-C Morrison Australia )
67 - S Morrison ( Australia )
68 - J Morrison (Australia )
69 - R Woods ( Australia )
70 - T Draper ( Australia

71 -L Gentle ( Australia )
72 - Campton ( Australia )
73 - J Beale (Australia )

74 - L Malamoo-Jib ( Australia )
75 - R.Backo ( Australia )
76 -Raymond D. BLANCO ( AUSTRALIA )
77 - B.Toby ( Australia )
78 - Annie Webster (Australia )

79 - Maz Clarke ( Australia )

80 - Jenny Cooper(Australia
81 - russell Cooper( Australia )
82 - Ben CooperAustralia)

83 - Lauren Smith ( Australia )
84 - Tess Hynes ( Australia )
85 - Casey Symonds (Australia )

86 - Claudia Beinhoff ( United Kingdom )
87 - Kerry Weddell (South Africa )
88 - Daina Dyball ( Australia )
89 - Christen Allen (Australia )
90 - Alira Hayward ( Australia )
91 - Lenore Hayward (Australia )
92 - Jordan Toomey ( Australia )

93 - Kayt Howe ( Australia)
94 - Kerstin Thuresson ( Australia )
95 - Marie Tatters
97 - John Ross Australia )
98 - Susan Ross ( Australia )
99 - Gloria Grant Australia)
100 - Grant ( Australia )
101 - Vicki Remington Australia )
102 - Melanie Close ( Australia )
103 - Lyn Shepherd ( Australia )
104 - Judith Cassells ( Australia )
105 - Isabel Boura ( Australia )
106 - Ester Pereira ( South Africa )
107 - Helder Pereira ( South Africa )
108 - Antolia Mabokela ( South Africa )
109 - Ed Viana ( South Africa )
110 - Carlos Bello ( Maputo Mozambique )
111 - Joao Ruas (Maputo-Mozambique)
112 - Sara Americano (Maputo-Mozambique)
113 - S?f硁ia Timana (Maputo-Mozambique)
114 - Eugenia Comissal (Maputo-Mozambique)
115 - David Nhancume (Maputo-Mozambique)
116 - Maria Ant?f硁ia Barros ( Maputo - Mozambique )
117 - Francisca Ibrahimo Da Silva ( Maputo - Mo?fmbique)
118-Millie Whitehead ( Maputo )
119 - Ren铫??EBooysen
120 - SonjamVenter ( Mozambique , Maputo )
121 - Nahida Karimo ( Maputo )
122 - L Pereira ( Mozambique )
123 - Guambe, ( Maputo )
124 - Costa, Liliana ( Maputo , Mozambique )
125 - Guimar?fs, Helu?a Maputo , Mozambique )
126 - Em?ia Tembe ( Maputo Mo ?fmbique)
127 - RAUL ALMEIDA - Maputo
128 - Latif, Abubacar A. - Maputo/Mozambique
129 - Teresa Ferr?f - Mozambique
130 - Rosa Maria
131 - Nhancolo, Odete( Maputo , Mozambique )
132 - Estev?f Chumaio
134 - Pioris, Te?f砯ilo(Maputo-Mozambique)
134 - Inocencia M.F.C.Cantengo(Maputo-Mozambique)
135 - Ubisse,I(Maputo-Mozambique)
139 - Bernardo -MAPUTO/MO?f???AMBIQUE 140 - Leonor Sheila Pene'wuda'(Mpto-Mocambique)
142 - Samuel Uamusse ( Maputo , Mozambique )
143 - Sandra Caniat Karimo ( Maputo , Mozambique )
144 - Lutfe Karimo ( Maputo , Mozambique )
145 - Kayla Caniat Karimo ( Maputo , Mozambique )
146 - Kyandra Caniat Karimo ( Maputo , Mozambique )
- Monica Vasconcelos Roberts
148 - Eric Vasconcelos Roberts
149 - Andre Vasconcelos Roberts
150 - M?fio Filipe Guimar?fs ( Brazil )
151 - Claudia Ferreira ( Brazil )
152 - Deborah Cunha ( Brazil )
153 - Acyr Luz ( Brazil )
154 - Maria Eduarda Guimar?fs ( Brazil )
155 - Leandro Quadros ( Brazil )
156 - Priscila da Luz Guimar?fs( Brazil )
157 - 铫??ESarah Iss铫??E( Maputo - Mo?fmbique)
158 - 铫??EPaulo Cam?f礶s (Maputo-Mo?fmbique)
159 - 铫??EMaria Teresa Cam?f礶s (Maputo-Mo?fmbique)
160 - 铫??EJos铫??ECam?f礶s ( Maputo - Mo?fmbique)
161 - 铫EDalila Nordine Maputo-Mo?fmbique)
162 - 铫??EEus?f゜io Abdulla(Chimoio-Mo?fmbique)
163 - Tina NYOMBO ( Angola - Luanda )
164 - Bern ?ia da Flora NYOMBO (Angola-Luanda)
165 - Vanda Soares ( Luanda - Angola )
167 - Andreza Vasconcelos (Luanda-Angola)
168 - ?f'ngela Chagas ( Luanda - Angola )
169 - Fernanda IZATA ( Luanda - Angola )

170 - Malvina Teixeira(NY-USA)
171 - 铫??EANTONIO IZATA ( Luanda - Angola )
172 - Ulisses da Cruz Luanda - Angola )
173 - Jos铫??EAlexandre de Oliveira ( Belgium )
174 - Beto Figueiredo ( U.K. )
176 - 铫??EZulmira Gon?flves (Benguela-Angola)
177 - Rayssa Peairo ( Angola )
179 - 铫??EMathias Louren?f ( Luanda 铫??EANGOLA)
180 - 铫??ECarlos Cepeda ( Luanda Angola )
181 - 铫??EN?fia Cruz ( Luanda 铫??EAngola)
182 - 铫??ETidiane Nahary ( Luanda铫??EAngola
183 - 铫??EVanessa Jackson( USA )
184 - Walter Afonso ( Luanda Angola )
185 - Paulo Maria Francisco ( In Luanda , Republic of Angola

186 - 铫??ELopes do Nascimento (In Benfica-Luanda, Republicm of Angola )
187 - Tony Domingos (in Viana-Luanda, Republic of Angola )
188 - 铫??ECruz Junior ( Luanda 铫??EAngola)

189 - 铫??ERuth Saraiva (Luanda 铫??EAngola)
190 - Sandra Louro( Luanda - Angola )
191 - Luciano Fonseca ( Praia Cape Verde )
192 - Nezi Brito ( Hanson - USA )
193 - Carlos Brito(Oslo-Nooruega)
194 - Maia Brito(Oslo-Noruega)
195 - Esma Alissi(Oslo-Norway).
196 - Shayma Alissi (Surrey-UK)
197 - Ane Haugen(Surrey-Uk)
198 - Anders Solvang (Sydney- Australia)
199 - Marte Lajord Fr?f竤eth (Troms铫?? E Norway )
200 - Siren,Stefanussen ( Drammen- Norway )
201 - Kaia Kristine Pettersen ( drammen- Norway )
202 - Ranveig Menes Andersen (Drammen-Norway)
203 - Lene Menes Alm(Drammen-Norway)
204 - Britt Hasselberg ( Drammen - Norway )
205 - Tone Monsen ( Oslo - Norway )
206 - Vanessa Borgli ( Oslo- Norway )
207 - Eva Christin Laszka(Oslo-Norway
208 - Tom Brodal Bjerke ( Oslo 铫??ENorway)
209 - Rita Laska-Marosi(Budapest-Hungary)
210 - SharonJohnsen(Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia)
211 - Tore Johnsen(Oslo-Norway)
212 - Chrystina Tan Teck Lian ( Kuala Lumpur )
213 - Fong Oy Leng( Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia )
214 - Helene Fong ( Kuala Lumpur ?- Malaysia )
215 - Angie Ang ( Singapore )
216 - Francis Chua ( Singapore )
217 - Sim Claire ( Singapore
218 - Jacky Wong ( Singapore )
219 - Giselia Lim ( Singapore )
220 - Garry Lim ( Singapore )
221 - Nana Wang ( Singapore )
222 - Arwati ( Singapore )
223 - Mahadir ( Singapore )
224 - Rukiah ( Singapore )
225 - Alip ( Singapore )
226 - Arianah ( Singapore )
227 - Azlindah ( Singapore )
228 - Fazilrudin ( Singapore )
229 - Azar ( Singapore )
230 - Yen Ling ( Malaysia )
231 - Carine ( Malaysia )
232 - Kam Lok Kun ( Malaysia )
233 - Tee Siok Chew ( Malaysia )
234 - Selina Josephine Matupang ( Singapore )
235 - Shallynn Teoh ( Malaysia )
236 - Sivakumaran ( Malaysia )
237 - Jeslyn Teo ( Singapore )
238 - Jessica Ang( Singapore )
239 - Lina Tan ( Singapore )
240 - Chee Keat ( Singapore )
241 - Tabitha ( Singapore )
242 - Puiwan ( Singapore )
243 - Siew Cheng ( Malaysia )
244 - Choi Har ( Malaysia )
245 - Tommy Hoe ( Malaysia )
246 - SohCheng Lim ( Singapore )
247 - Lim Hwi Eng ( Singapore )
248 - Lim Lay Ngoh ( Singapore )
249 - Chok Leng ( Singapore )
250 - CS See ( Singapore )
251 - YT Toh ( Singapore )
252 - Clarence Fernandez ( Canada )
253 - Asha T ( Australia )
254 - Karina Isdahl ( Canada )
255 - Jacqueline Ostick ( Canada )
256 - Eli Wick ( Canada )
257 - Katherine Storrie ( Canada )
258 - Jamie Borock ( Canada )
259 - Jamie Stadelmann ( canada )
260 - Chandra Henkel ( Canada )
261 - Sarah Henkel( Canada )
262 - Katy bast ( Canada )
263 - Ashley Szederkenyi( Canada )
264 - Cameo Kerr( canada )
265 - Serena Bining ( Canada !)
266 - Harjot Gill ( canada !!)
267 - Harmeet Mann( Canada :D)-- Please sign this is sooooo cruell-.-
269 - Kajal Parmar ( Canada :D)
271 - E.AKizuki( Canada )
272 - Vineeta ( Canada )
274 - Kajal Chandra
275 - courtney smith
276 - miki lambert
277 - maddie
278 - Courtney ( Victoria , Australia )
279 - shira shery( Israel )
280- Carisse( Melbourne , Australia )
281-Joana F ( Melbourne ,Australia )
282- Dani M ( Melbourne , Australia )
283- Arlene M ( Melb , Australia )
284-Rhonda Shuter ( Toronto , Canada )

285-Samara Shuter ( Toronto, Canada )

286-Shannon Kook-Chun ( Toronto-Montreal , Canada

287-Millie Marshall ( London )
288-Simon Marshall ( > >>Vancouver Canada )
289-Emily Doyle-Yamaguchi ( Vancouver , Canada )
290 -Garett Jansen ( Vancouver , Canada
291 - Michele Lougheed ( Vancouver , Canada )
292 - Diane Divall ( Vancouver , Canada )
293 - P. Grandinetti ( Vancouver , Canada )
294 - L. Grandinetti ( Vancouver , Canada )
295 - C. Bowes ( Vancouver , Canada )
296 - S. Rae ( New Westminster , BC , Canada )
297 - Christine Heidt ( Edmonton , AB , Canada )
298 - Jeannine chenier( edmonton ,ab, canada )
299 - Lynda Cyr ( Edmonton , AB , Canada )
300 - Tracey Turcott
301 - Kerry Cyr
302 - Linda Turcott ( Abbotsford , BC Canada )
303 - Corie Robinson ( Chilliwack , BC Canada )
304 - Wendy Robinson ( Chilliwack , B.C. Canada )
305 - Dora Zwart ( Chilliwack , B.C. Canada )
306 - Leona Rodrique ( Chilliwack , BC Canada )
307 - Sarah Hernandez ( Montreal , Canada )
308 - Andrewlina Hernandez ( Kota Kinabalu , Malaysia )
309 - Hartini Hashim ( Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia )
310 Emily Claricev Joannes ( Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia )
311 - Ann Marian Ronald ( Malaysia )
312) Milani Stephen ( Sabah , Malaysia )
313) Andrias Anthony ( Sabah , Malaysia )
314) Marion Maeve Michael ( Sabah , Malaysia )
315) Mandy Mae Michael ( Sabah , Malaysia )
316) Judith Molly ( Sabah , Malaysia )
317) Stanise Ansanit ( Sabah , Malaysia )
318) Noor Aini Razi ( Sabah , Malaysia )
319) Marjorie Poigi ( Sabah , Malaysia )
320) Esalilawati Aliamat ( Sabah Malaysia )
321) Rujiah Jumin ( Sabah , Malaysia )
322) Emmawati Azaini ( Sabah , Malaysia )
323) Ezam @ Reyno Bin Osman ( W.P Labuan , Malaysia )
324) Dayang Haniza Hamidon ( Malaysia )
325) Issac John Charles ( Malaysia )
326) Baby Ngu (W.P Labuan , Malaysia )
327) Christina Joseph ( W.P. Labuan , Malaysia )
328) Sandra Cathie Edward ( Labuan , Malaysia )
328) Wilson Koh ( Labuan , Malaysia )
329) Davie M. Doughty ( Alabama , USA )
330) Jamnah Taim
333) Saiful Bahri Hussain (Miri/Sarawak/Malaysia)
336) Hj. Ibrahim Tara
337) Buntat Ibrahim
338) Azizi Irwandy Yaacob (WPKL MALAYSIA )
339) Azriel Aswad (Perak Malaysia )
340) Thinagaran (Sri Manjung Perak Malaysia )
341) Azlan Pakiri (Kampung Deralik Perak , Malaysia )
342) Suzana ( Perak , Malaysia )
343) Prakash (Manjung, Perak , Malaysia )
344) Alan 'D' Guna ( Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia )
355) Joan Augustine ( Malaysia )
366) Mega ( Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia )
368) Hema ( Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia )
369) Egan ( Penang , Malaysia )
370) A.Nizam Shah ( Kuala Lumpur , MALAYSIA )
371) Nazima Kassm ( Kuala Lumpur .. Malaysia )
372) Maheswaran Kovilan ( KL, Malaysia )
373) Jay Arunasalam ( Kl , Malaysia )
374) Enba Deva ( KL, Malaysia )
375) Devamanokaran Poonagasu( Malaysia )
376) Nalinee Narayanan ( Malaysia )
377) Narayanan ( Malaysia )
378) Letchumey ( Malaysia )
379) Premila ( Ipoh , Malaysia )
380) Ganes Narayanan ( Kulim , Malaysia )
381) Janarthini Menon ( Malaysia )
382) ahmad Daud ( Malaysia )
383) James Sebastian ( Malaysia )
384) Patricia Joseph ( Malaysia )
385 Danny Wong ( Malaysia )
386 Andy Choo ( Malaysia )
387 Angie Gow ( Malaysia )
388 Noor Syahida Nawawi ( Malaysia )
389 Barbara Samy ( Malaysia )
390 Sunita Pandita ( Malaysia )
391 Jayasutha Raman ( Malaysia )
392 Jayamalar Raman ( Malaysia )
393 Ahmootha Ramachandran ( Malaysia )
394 Vimala Ramachandra
395 Sheila K Nalliah
396 F.Peter ( Sabah , Malaysia )
397 Farida Ibrahim ( Malaysia )
398 Badri Ibrahim ( Malaysia )
399 Anna Matthew ( Malaysia )
400 Angela Sam ( Malaysia )
401 Martha Joseph ( Malaysia )
402 Ann Maria ( Malaysia )
403 Miranda ( Malaysia )
404 Sanjiyah Shauun( Malaysia )
405 Kavineesh Gopal ( Malaysia )
406 Yaitheisha Gopal ( Malaysia )
407 Jaydalynn Ann ( Malaysia )
408 Rosie Michael
409 Melinda Michael
410 Michael Rajoo
411 Elvin Tony
412 Ann Magdalene Elvin
413 Stephen Lee ( Malaysia )
414 Sunitha K ( Malaysia )
415 Kanjana M ( Ireland )
416 - Regu Bhaskaradass ( Malaysia )
417. Sreekumar Menon ( Malaysia )
418. Peter Jesudoss ( Malaysia )
419. Prima Jesudoss ( Malaysia )
420. Kadam
421. Esan
422. Julian Jansen ( Malaysia )
423. Alison Francis
424. Low Li-Sa
425. Gwyneth Lim
426. James Ding ( Malaysia )
427. Lena Chong ( Singapore )
428. Nitya Daryanani ( Singapore )
429. Dia Dadlani ( Nigeria )
430. Amreeta Buxani ( UK )
431. Anupa Panjabi ( UK )
432. Anand Panjabi ( UK )
433. R Malkani ( USA )
434. Vicky Punjabi ( INDIA )
435. Parul Katyal ( India )
436. Disha Goel [ INDIA ]
437. Sahil Bagga ( INDIA )
438. Andre Tully
439. Pooja ( India )
440. Pradeep Menon [ India ]
441. Shree Prakash ( India )
442. Abhijit Kundu ( India )
444.M.R.K.Karthy( India )
445. Nagarajan C T ( India )
446. Bhuvana ( India )
447. Lakshmi Priya ( India )
448.Ditty mary Joy( India )
449.Suma Shivappa( India )
450. Lekha ( India )
451. Sumana( India )
452. Ashwini( India )
453.Aparna ( India )
454.Chitra ( India )
455. Sneha( India )
456. Padmashree ( India )
457. Divya A L ( India )
458. Divya S R( India )
459.Navneet Malhotra ( India )
460.Aparna V( India )
461.Kirti Prakash Pandey( India )
462.Raj Goutham( India )
463. RadhiKa ( India )
464.S.Sasi Rekha( India )
465.Nithiya.P( India )
466)Gunasakthy.T( India )
467)Saravanan.( India )
468. Sonia Manivannan ( INDIA )
469. Priya.M ( INDIA )
470. Smitha Palan ( INDIA )
471.Babita Amin( INDIA )
472. Neeta Shetty ( INDIA )
473. Jacintha D. Fernandes ( INDIA )
474. Jessey Chitra D ( INDIA )
475 Purnima K C ( India )
476.Sangeetha Prasath ( Srilanka)
477.Sonali Rupatunge ( Sri Lanka )
478. Thumesha Jayatilake ( Sri Lanka )
479. Pavithra Seneviratne( Sri Lanka )
480 Vinod Jayaweera
481.Dinindu Lathpandura ( Sri Lanka )
482.Pasindu Lathpandura ( Sri Lanka )
483.Charmaine Cuttilan ( Sri Lanka )
484 Marque Ratnayeke ( Sri Lanka )
485 Suzanne Paul ( Sri Lanka )
486 Sanjiva Peiris ( Sri Lanka )
487 Himeshi Fernando ( Sri Lanka )
488 Surandima Perera ( Sri Lanka )
489 Aruni Wijerathne ( Sri Lanka )
490 Chandima Nishani ( Sri Lanka )
491 wathsala samarakoon ( Sri Lanka )
492. Dananjaya Rasingolla ( Sri Lanka )
493. Teng Seer Ping ( Malaysia )
494. Tang Chun Hsia ( Malaysia )
495. Merilyn Ng ( Malaysia )
496 Sheila Ignatius( Malaysia )
497 Debbie Ignatius ( Malaysia )
498. Angeline Pasqual ( Malaysia )
499. Elena Pasqual ( Malaysia )
500. Jerome Wong ( Malaysia )
501. Lorraine Pasqual ( Malaysia )
502. Ng CL ( Malaysia )
503. Johanna Kee ( Malaysia )
504 Priscilla ( Malaysia )
505 Edna Mary Xavier ( Malaysia )
506 Angie Sia ( Malaysia )
507. Mary Lim-Lopez( Republic of Macedonia )
508. Roselind Yap-Stanislaus( Malaysia )
509. Vivien Caroline ( Malaysia )
510. Sheteel
511. Ranjit
512. Harleen
513. Hardev
514. Nereena ( Malaysia )
515. George ( Malaysia )
516. Netanya ( Malaysia )
517. Nirmala ( Malaysia )
518. Lynn Lim ( Malaysia )
519. Loke ( Malaysia )
520. Wong Li Li ( Malaysia )
521. Gary WK Wong (Malaysia)
522. Mei Sha (Malaysia)
523. Laura Yap (Malaysia)
524. Kevin Yap (Malaysia)
525.Chen (Malaysia)
526.Janet (Malaysia)
527.Irene (Malaysia)
528 Lucy Ng ( Malaysia )
529 Sharon (Malaysia)
530 Karen Chong (Malaysia)
531 Derek Hoh (Malaysia)
532. Fauziah Mohd Kashim (Malaysia)
533. Suhaimy Sulaiman (Malaysia)
534. Fadhilah Syahinda (Malaysia)
535. Faridanial (Malaysia)
536. Farissyaqiel (Malaysia)
537. Faizzikry (Malaysia)
538. Carmen Irene (KL, Malaysia)
539. May Teoh (KL, Malaysia)
540. Venoth (KL, Malaysia)
541. Danny Chan (KL, Malaysia)
542. Nikki Ang (KL, Malaysia)
543. Mr & Mrs Chew Kwok Wing (Malaysia)
544. Chew Yoke Sim (Malaysia)
545. Mary Chew (Malaysia)
546. Fabian Lum (Malaysia)
547. Lum Kok Kiong (Malaysia)
548. Francis Chew (Malaysia)
549. Jeannie Chew (Malaysia)
550. Mindy Chew (Malaysia)
551. AJ (Malaysia)
552. Yieshka Sue-lynn (Malaysia)
553. Ivy Chew (Malaysia)
554. Soo MF (Malaysia)
555. Jason Soo (Malaysia)
556. Joyce Soo (Malaysia)
557. Dr Paul Chan (Malaysia)
558. Corine Chew (Malaysia)
559. Jeffrey Chew (Malaysia)
560. Raymond Chew (Malaysia)
561. Joel Lum SF (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
562. Lynette Lee (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
563. Kow See Meng (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
564. Lee Siew Li (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

565. Au Siew Chin (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
566. Kwok Sui Lin (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
567. Bibi (

568 Balwinder (
569. Susan Wong (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
570. Angela Wong (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
571. Cynjes Ching (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
572. Jessney Cheong (
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
573. Fauziah (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
574.Zaidah (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
575.Siti Martenah (WPKL, Malaysia)
576. Ros (WPKL, Malaysia)
577. Shila (Malaysia)
578. Nurrul Harnida (Malaysia)
579. Chitra (Malaysia)
580. Lavanya (Malaysia)
581. Manimala (Malaysia)
582 Zetty (KL, Malaysia)
583 ELLIEA SYUHADA (PJ, Malaysia)
584. Suhana (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
585. ismawati (kuala lumpur, Malaysia)
586. Zohriyyah Mokhtar ( Kuala Lumpur)
589.Farida Omar (Malaysia)
590. Raja Shuhailah (Malaysia)
591. Roseliza (
592 Zatul Hejanah (Malaysia)
593. Wandy Mustafa (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
594. Putri Nadia(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
595. Haris Fadzli (Malaysia)
596 Chong Yip Hui (malaysia)
597 Ong Eng Choon (Malaysia)
598 OC Chan (Malaysia)
599 SC Fong (Malaysia)
600 MK Tan (Malaysia)
601 BY Lim (Malaysia)
602 Sharon Chong (Singapore)
603 Cheryl Tong (Singapore)
604 Kelvin Li (Singapore)
605 Eric (Malaysia)
606 E'vern Wong (Malaysia)
607 Wong Yee Au (Malaysia) 608 Wong Yee Sen (Malaysia)
609 Jeichandan a/l Santhirasegaran aka JC/Jei (Malaysia)
610 Tanya Archwamety (Malaysia)
611 Lai Fung Yee (Malaysia)
612 Then Kai Hao (Malaysia)
613 Tan Keng Hoo (Malaysia)
614 Er Wee Khai (Malaysia)
615 Fong Hou Hwa (Malaysia)
617 Eleven Tham (Malaysia)
618 Alson Koh (Malaysia)
619. Kim Lau (Malaysia)
620. Tan Shao Chuan(Singapore)
621. Ang Hui Fen (Singapore)
622. Neo Siao Wei (Singapore)
623. Yuan Ling (Singapore)
624. Amirah Binte Mohamed Iqbal(Singapore)
625. Charis Seow (Singapore)
626. Elaine Tan (Singapore)
627.Danial Firdaus bin Azmi(Singapore)
628. Sim Chun Siang (Singapore)
629. Kelly Sim (Singapore)
630. Lee Gui Qi (Singapore)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I want to get a camera

I want to buy a camera!!!

But I don't know which to get.

Should I get this?

This is a neoprint camera from Japan. It can work like a neoprint machine whereby you can take photo and design your photos. The only difference is there is not printing service available. The down part about this camera is its resolution is not good.

Or should I get this?

This is a camera which I like very much as well. The mega pixel is 4.0 and has 3x optical zoom and not too expensive. It is about $150. Considered quite cheap, right?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Quick updates

Finally watched the last episode of The X-Family aka 终极一家. Not a bad ending in spite of all the negative feedbacks about copying characters of online games or existing shows. Really light-hearted show that is definitely worth watching. Highly recommended though a total of 55 episodes.


I am currently keeping a grand total of 7 guppies, 9 swordtail and 2 golden sucker. Hehe. Aren't they pretty? By the way, my hammies darlings are still as adorable and playful as even. They kept burying themselves with the wood shavings lately. So cute. =P

I bought 2 pairs of shoes online today. =P So sinful of me. I have been spending too much this month. But I haven't pampered myself for a really long time. Hehe. On top of it, I also bought the VCD of Goong S aka Prince Hours. Not too bad. The storyline is different from Goong aka Princess Hours but there are too many similarities. No wonder the legal case.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Gi Gu
Xiao Ye Xing Sa

Anyone interested in things from these 2 sites please let me know. I want to get some organisers from Gi Gu and probably some clothes from Xiao Ye Xing Sa.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am not good at forgetting things that I am guilty of. Guiltiness is something that will follow me wherever I go. Thought that I can finally get rid of guiltiness and it found its way back to me.

Remember in primary two when my principal pointed me out in front of the whole school for holding all the presents from my friends. I returned the presents immediately after that. I don't like it when someone of a higher authority looked upon me as if I am someone really nasty.

A few years older, my mum asked me to bring a plate of freshly cooked sardine to a neighbour. She reminded me not to run but I still ran and fell. I spilled the plate of sardine and hurt myself very badly. Mummy was super angry and I still feel guilty now.

I feel guilty about not putting in enough effort such that I can make it to university without much problems. I still feel very affected about it.

Now that I am a tutor, I feel guilty for being too lenient to some students. I feel guilty about the guardian finding out that the student is listening to MY iPod during my tuition session.

How can I get rid of all these guiltiness? I really feel very disturbed and upset about such things. =(

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Halloween Party at Escape

Anyone want to join me to attend the Halloween Party at Escape Theme Park this year?

Contact me at my MSN! =D

Friday, October 12, 2007

Mixed feelings

Went for Hepatitis B vaccine this morning cause my count for the antibiotics is only 41. Super duper low. Really regretted to sacrifice my right hand for the super big syringe. =( It is still numb and painful if I lift my arm to high.

First tuition of the day is all well at first until I started marking the mock exam paper then my mood changed from moody to angry. She only scored 38 out of 100. She is the only student that I have so far that ever complained that I did not teach her something which I taught before. Imagine my anger. She also loves to say that she is very careless and it is not my first time telling her that careless is no excuse for bad results. She complained that the paper is difficult but when I put myself in her shoes to look at the questions, they are really straightforward. Seriously, I think she will go to EM3 if she doesn't buck up.

Next student's mother requested for no tuition next week. Firstly, her daughter's school did not finish teaching the Mathematics and Science topics for the exam and they will be sitting for their exam two weeks later. Plus a one week holiday next week, I doubt the school can even finish teaching within one whole day of lessons. So I explained to her and luckily she can understand and allow me to continue with whatever plans I have.

When I reached home, my dad told me that a building collapsed today and one died. My condolences to the family. Never ever did I imagine that a building in Singapore will collapse. Well, I know there is a case of the collapsed hotel many years ago but I strongly believe in our government to do necessary work to ensure the safety of its people. Luckily the building was scheduled for demolishing and everyone who used to live there already moved out. The only casualty is a worker who was working at the 17th storey at that time. So scary.

I really don't enjoy the busy period now. Just hope that I can get all the rest I want soon.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This week is quite chaotic for me. So many people to meet to get my stuffs. Yu Hong, Guiqi and more.

Finally settled one of them which is to get my looties from Guiqi. Luckily she is kind enough to bring it to Bedok interchange for me before I set off to my next tuition kids' place. Problem now is how to meet Yu Hong when our time keep clashing. =(

I have a feeling that I already broke my record for the past few months. I have been sending a lot of sms and making so many calls. Wondering how much will be my bill this month. Shitty.

Had my dinner at about 10pm tonight and guess what I did? After finishing my dinner, I brushed my teeth and totally forgotten that I still have a glass of unfinished coke on the table. Argh! Only when I was brushing my teeth then I remember.

Experts said that everyone needs at least 21% of oxygen in order for our brain to function properly. I have a feeling that the level of oxygen that really reaches my brain is super low thus resulting in a malfunction. =(

Well, I hope I am not the only one. Gotta stop all the talking and let the sweeties (students) start doing the talking, starting tomorrow. Hehe. I will be snoring away. =P

*I am watching 'It Started With A Kiss' AGAIN!*

Monday, October 8, 2007

Yellowish-orange eyeball

I dyed my eyeball yellowish-orange just now! Woohoo!!!

That is the latest fashion now. Really!

Email me for the dye brand. =)

If you really email me, you are mad. Haha. Okay, I did not dye my eyeball yellow nor orange but it is really yellowish-orange an hour ago because something fell into my eyes and I kept tearing so I took a cab to my family doctor for a consultation session. The doctor dripped a transparent solution into my eye and it turned yellowish-orange such that my doctor can assess if there is any scratches on the surface of my eye. Luckily no. =D So don't email me. Haha.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

This week

Mummy wanted to watch Princess Hours, Goong, again. Did not really watch the show this time round as I had been running about for the whole week. Luckily, I managed to watch the last few episodes.

I always love the last few episodes when the prince finally declared and expressed his love for his princess cum wife to everyone. His very first tear in the show fell when his princess doubted his words. Towards the end of the show, the prince lost everything from his respectfulness for his father cum emperor to everything that he owns. Really hate the shameful emperor, shameful second prince and the shameless second in position empress.

I know a lot of people love the second prince because he is pitiful and better-looking than the first prince but I always feel that he brought it upon himself to persuade the princess to indirectly destroy everything that the prince is holding on to, dearly.

Always like this show. =)


During any leisure time possible, I watched Hana Kimi, Japanese version. After watching the Japanese version, I came to a conclusion. The Taiwan version is much less interesting.

The actors and actresses are not as competent as the Japanese actors and actresses.
I also feel that the actor, Oguri Shun, acting as Sano Izumi aka Zuo Yi Quan is much better in portraying the badly hurt high school student. The actress, Horikita Maki, portraying Ashiya Mizuki aka Lu Rui Xi is also much more competent than Ella from S.H.E.

I am beginning to fall in love with Japanese dramas especially after watching My Boss, My Hero. =) Going to start conquering the Japanese drama section after neglecting it for so many years. =P

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