Thursday, September 20, 2007

Clucks & Quacks

I "clucks" and my mum "quacks", that's why we don't understand each other on the phone earlier today. Lol. My mum wanted me to buy durian and I thought she wanted me to buy durian ice-cream. So I happily bought the ice-cream back home. Haha.


Something has been bothering me today:

'My uncle always _____ to the market and buys food for us."

What should be the word in the sentence? 'Go' or 'goes'?

So far, 3 said 'go' and 5 said 'goes'. ?.?


Remember my shoulder? Well, there is a big blue-black on it now. -.- I am pasting all kinds of medicated plaster on it and praying for it to disappear or I will not be able to wear a lot of clothes. So I have been wearing the same few tops to cover the medicated plaster and the blue-black when I did not use the medicated plaster.

My mum gave up one of the magnetic treatment properties pillow pad which my bro bought for her to me for the time being. Lol. I am actually sleeping on a few hundred bucks pillow pad now. =P


I have been working very hard lately and something actually made me work even harder. Will update in my next post, something that gave me a shock when I see it.

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