Friday, March 6, 2009

Battle: Mid term

The battle is ENDING!

I have been trying to be diligent and study hard for my mid term papers, I call it a battle against my laziness. Along with revising for the mid term, I had a project due during the week of revision. With a project and uncorporative projectmates, I had a really hard time concentrating on my revision. Finally, the project was submitted and I could concentrate on my revision. I spent 2 days revising for New Media and the paper was do-able though I am not sure if I answered the questions accurately.

After which, I had 3 days to revise for 2 economic papers. Yes, 2. Guess what happened? I was so stressed up because there were a hell lot of stuffs to remember for both papers, and they were 1 immediately after another, that I slept at 4am almost everyday. It was so crazy and the day before the papers, which was yesterday, I felt like crying and vomiting because the revision for both papers were only half-done.

Thankfully, I managed to complete 80% of the revision for both papers by this morning and managed to pull through both papers with probably slightly above pass.

The battle is ending with only 1 more paper left. Please pray for me. (=])

ON A LIGHTER NOTE, I am going to re-watch Fated to Love You. Hehe.


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