Friday, September 5, 2008

NUS Anime Fair

I am beginning to love NUS. LOL. But only the Anime club. (=P) I didn't know that there was an Anime Fair since Wednesday till I saw the notice today and it should have ended by now. The first thing I saw at the Anime Fair was not some Anime character or merchandise but OTAH PRATA and CLOTHES.

OMG! It sounds so wrong. Haha. Before I started looking for Anime related stuffs, I was shopping for clothes. (=P) Really dirt cheap. Abercombie denim skirt for only S$12 and tees at prices cheaper than Bugis Street. I bought 2 tees for $10.

Then I started walking around the fair and saw many Anime merchandise. OMG! They are all so pretty and I just want to bring them all home. Hehe. I ended up buying 2 merchandises before I finally persuaded myself to leave the fair or not I would be so broke. Haha.

The 2 merchandises I bought are not for myself but my 2 brothers. Lucky them. (=D)

Sorry, I forgot to rotate the picture but I am just too lazy to upload it again. (=p) I bought this watch at the Anime Fair for my brother. Hehe. It is really pretty. Take a look at the closed up picture below.

AND, I bought this for my bro. It is just so pretty and stylish that I know I must buy. (=p) By the way, the colour is closer to the first picture but the second shows the swords clearer.


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