Friday, September 7, 2007


Welcome to my new blog!

Decided to change my blog host after some time as I am kind of sick of the limited templates that Wordpress provides. However, that does not means that Wordpress is not good. I am just too picky and ever changing, like a kaleidoscope, 万花筒! =P


There, I finally come to my point. I named my new blog 'Kaleidoscope' as I feel that I am a living example of a human-kaleidoscope. Lol. I am ever-changing and this does not only applies to my mood but everything about my life.

I never wanted to give up my blog url of 'iamstubborn' but I am forced to do so as someone is currently using that url. I am just 2 months late. -_- It doesn't matter now that I finally get the opportunity to change my url after using 'iamstubborn' for almost a decade. Okay, (-.-) it is never a decade but for almost 2 years. =D


Finally gotten a chance to change my blog address makes me feel afresh. ^^

not really afresh as it is now 12.45 midnight. -.-"


In the meantime, I am still in the midst of building this website so do visit my present blog till I make official announcement of moving. =) Kindly give me all your support. =D


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