Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weak moonlight

I have a strong feeling that the moonlight is weak tonight. Lol. That is because I have been sneezing since 9am this morning. I bet I used at least a 100 pieces of tissue papers.

Changed my darlings' beddings today. They are so stinky yet adorable. =P I put Nesie into a temporary mobile cage, Mini and Taro into the running ball while I cleaned their cages. Mini managed to open the running ball. Her second escape this year.

However, she did not run away. Like Ham Ham (miss her) when she still had the chance to roam around the house, Mini stopped at the step towards the kitchen and started nibbling on something. Don't ask me what cause I have no idea. Haha.

Taro, on the other hand, kept disturbing the rest. Naughty and playful boy. =P Smack his butt. He is getting cuter each day and I am loving him to bits now just like how I love all my pets. =)


A student called me while I was resting today to ask me what is 'nominal account'. "Blank" was the only word to explain what happened when he asked. What is 'nominal account'? I can only remember that it is some temporary account. Did some research on the term and finally know what is that.

Nominal account: Temporary account which reports expenses, revenues and capital. In other words, it is the profit and loss account also known as the income and expenditure statement. As capital is affected mainly by the profit or loss made by the business during each accounting period, the nominal account is considered to report capital as well but not the Capital a/c.

Wonder where I saw this word the last time. *Thinking*


Today is my brother's birthday, went to Levi Strauss Signature and bought him a shirt. Haha.

Happy Birthday!


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