Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I am going shopping at Bugis today, in search for a belt to go with that yellow dress. (=D)

I also need to start withdrawing cash from my bank account to pay for my b'day expenses. I hate to see how my bank balance will fall after my b'day. Sob. There is already a drop of almost $2000 in my POSB and soon I will see $0 in my UOB account. (T.T) I WANT to collect my tuition fee!!! That will at least makes me feel lots better.

This means less money to shop today. Oh no! I felt so deprived of shopping ever since I bought my laptop. I kept feeling guilty about the purchase and not to mention knowing that I could get F6S with more RAM and hard disk space for the same price. (T___T)

I didn't go to the PC Show because I fear this but I still got to know that. (-.-") I have been consoling myself that I paid more (in terms of opportunity cost) for better processor (mine is T8300 2.4GHz and the one at PC Show is T8100 2.1GHz) and a white cover. Please tell me I am right and don't try to contradict me. I might bring a knife to your house the next day. LOL. Just kidding. I will just use a chopper. (=P)

Actually I don't mind the hard disk space at all since I was given a free 160GB external hard disk. The person who sold me the laptop told me not to upgrade my RAM to 3GB as increment in RAM may cause a fall in the speed of the laptop. It has something to do with having 2 RAM of different capacity and slowing down the processor. Whatever heck. I cannot understand that part but the rest is fine. Oh yes, my laptop is lighter. (=x) Hehe. about 200g lighter than the black F6S. Great, I feel better now. (=P) Hehe.


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